Tuesday Talks: How Soon Do You End a Book You Do Not LIke?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,

   Tuesday Talks is an wonderful group on Goodreads that is a weekly discussion forum created by BookTubers Janie Johnson and her pal, Janelle. It is a fun and active group in the book community to be a part of.

  This week's question is:
Do you read a specific amount of pages before giving up on a book you are not enjoying?     

   I like to go at least sixty pages in before I make my decision. I feel that some books tend to be slow at first and then pick up. When I read a book I am not enamored with, I  feel I owe at least sixty pages before I make up my mind. I can bored with a book or even not like the characters. Other times it is the writing style that I do not like. I ran into a few books last year that were almost impossible to continue. I set them down and revisited then a few months later. I managed to finish a couple that I was having issue with. This did not change my thoughts on these books.

  One example was Chuck Wendig's Star Wars novel, Aftermath. I was not a fan of his "in the now" writing. But I read it with an audio book, and the production did make it better. After taking the time to look past my issues with the book, I found it held a lot of information, and furthered the story of some of my favorite characters. Finishing it was worth it.
If you have a comment for me, please leave it below. Also please follow me on my social media platforms, and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and the Book Depository. 
Because there is always time to read,

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