Tuesday Talks- Do You Continue a Series That You Do Not Enjoy?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons!

  Tuesday Talks is a Goodreads Group serving the book community that is moderated by YouTubers, Janie Johnson and her book pal, Janelle. Check it out!

   This week's Tuesday Talks question is:

 If you do not enjoy the first book in a series do you still continue reading the series?

  The answer to this question is yes and no. I have started many series that have bored me, but had likeable characters. With this type of book I have been patient. What I will do is wait for a month or so, and then I pick the series up again. Usually I do not have issues with continuing on. I also find that audiobooks help a great deal when continuing a series that I have issues with. The change in presentation is sometimes what I need to make me want to continue.  I especially love it when an audiobook has a voice actor that reads in character, and grasps the narrative in a way I could not have thought.

  Sometimes it is impossible to read on, especially if the writing is awful, or the characters are so far fetched and ridiculous, that you could never imagine taking any journey with them. This is the type of book that I donate to the the thrift store, or give to a friend that likes the series. Not everyone has the same tastes, and my disliked book may bring someone happiness.

  Books are a tough thing to continue if the original is beloved. Sometimes I feel defeated when I read a bad sequel or next book in a series is mediocre in comparison. Just recently I was pleasantly surprised by Janet Evanovich's Wicked Series, Stephen King's Shining books, and Kerry Wilkinson's Silver Blackthorn series. I guess I have been lucky lately. 

Happy reading, everyone! Feel free to comment below. I look forward to hearing everyone's answer on Goodreads and YouTube, as well.

   Because there is always time to read,

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  1. Great thoughts! It really does depend on the series and what you did or didn't like. Enjoyable characters can make me love a book that has a terrible plot.

    1. Thank you for reading my post. It is important to share ideas in our community when it comes to this subject. It can help others deal with not liking their book series.

  2. Great thoughts! It really does depend on the series and what you did or didn't like. Enjoyable characters can make me love a book that has a terrible plot.


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