Beach Reads: What Do You Think of Comparative Blurbs on Book Covers?


Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,

   I have no issue with blurbs being on book covers. Sometimes they will tell me the book was a New York Times bestseller, or if the book is well-received. I have purchased a book because a famous author has said it is a great read and that can seal the deal for me. When I choose a Summer or beach read, I love getting recommendations. 

  I always get excited when a book is cited for being a stand-out. Sometimes I disagree, but ultimately the build-up of excitement gets me ready for a book. In the case of books that I find at thrift stores, I sometimes use blurbs to assess the audience's reaction to the book. It is like a time capsule of the book.

  Getting excited about a new book is always a fun way to expand your reading. Whether it's a blurb or a friend recommendation, let the excitement help you choose the next new world you enter.

   Let me know in the comments below what you are reading.

   If you wish to donate to my publishing fund at Venmo. All donations are appreciated.

      Also please follow me on my social media platforms and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and Mercari.




 Because there is always time to read,


 All written content (c) Copyright 2023 by Thomas Bahr II

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