2020: The Bookish New Year

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons!

  For 2019 I did very well with my goals. It makes me excited to go forward with 2020 and see just how well I can do this time around. New Year. New books. New challenges. 

  Let's have some fun in 2020! 

2020 Bookish Reading Goals (I will do a mid-year follow up in June):

  1. Take my reading challenge and dedicate a shelf to books chosen for easy access: I have a tendency to scatter my reading piles all over my home. It is time to organize a "Reading Challenge" shelf that will be strictly for books chosen for my 2020 Reading Challenge.
  2. Listen to as many audiobooks as I can: I buy a lot of audiobooks and check out just as many from my library. At times I do not have the time to hear them all. I plan to go through those I have purchased and start adding them to my TBR for this year. 
  3. Take a break when a reading slump hits: I have a habit of trying to read during a reading slump. I will take it upon myself to take some time to do other things until the slump passes. Forcing myself to read can often make me not want to read at all.
  4. Try more authors that I have never read: I am a loyalist when it comes to reading. When I like an author I will get my hands on all of their works and just read that. I want to branch out and try new authors this year.
  5. Read 50 Thrillers: I think this will be an easy thing to do as the year progresses. In 2019 I read 37 books in this genre. With all the awesome books coming out and the many reads I have still to enjoy, this will be a lot of fun. Besides, if you like something, enjoy it.   
  There you have it, my 2020 Reading Goals List for the bookish New Year. Good luck with all of your plans this year.

  Have fun reading this week. Let me know in the comments below what you are reading this week.

   Also please follow me on my social media platforms, and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and the Book Depository.

2020 Reading Challenge (blank version)

 2019 Reading Challenge (my challenge results)

Because there is always time to read,

At Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/?a_aid=Xepherus3

 At eBayhttp://stores.ebay.com/xepherusstudios

At Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/11975160-xepherus3

At Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xepherusstudios/

At RedBubble: http://www.redbubble.com/people/xepherus3

At Twitter: https://twitter.com/XepherusStudios

My Amazon Wish List: https://amzn.com/w/3J58FXCH0Y44F

All written content(c) Copyright 2020 by Thomas Bahr II

I claim no rights to the 2020 design


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