October Wrap Up and November TBR
Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Drag ons, The last time that I posted a Wrap Up and TBR was in August . I skipped one in September due to the debili tating readin g slump that I had entered. As the weeks went by in September, I wished for October to come to rid me of this terrible inability to pick up and read a book. But October seemed to have its own plan for me. October came and I began to read quite a lot. I even got some comic books in since I was attending New Y or k Comic Con . I did not want to get into a conversation and not know what was happening in my favorite books. Also BookCon was now part of NYCC and I was excited for that. But I got a nasty cold before I went to New York City. On top of that I had issues with my back that made walking severely uncomfortable. But I persevered and attended three days of New York Comic Con and it was amazing. After returning from the convention I got what I call "Con Flu" , where one gets sick from being arou...