
Showing posts from October, 2016

October Wrap Up and November TBR

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Drag ons,   The last time that I posted a Wrap Up and TBR was in August . I skipped one in September due to the debili tating readin g slump that I had entered. As the weeks went by in September, I wished for October to come to rid me of this terrible inability to pick up and read a book. But October seemed to have its own plan for me.    October came and I began to read quite a lot. I even got some comic books in since I was attending New Y or k Comic Con . I did not want to get into a conversation and not know what was happening in my favorite books. Also BookCon was now part of NYCC and I was excited for that. But I got a nasty cold before I went to New York City. On top of that I had issues with my back that made walking severely uncomfortable. But I persevered and attended three days of New York Comic Con and it was amazing. After returning from the convention I got what I call "Con Flu" , where one gets sick from being arou...

From Page to Screen: The Exorcist on FOX (Spoilers)

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,   The Exorcist will go down in my history as one of my al l-time favorite books. I have read it several times, including a reading and review just recently. It is a faith-challenging, creepy, and often surprising novel. As good as the movie by William Friedkin was , William Peter Blatty's original source ma terial is superior.   When the FOX network decided to announce an Exorcist television series, I was excited. As far as I knew, the series would play on the themes of the original boo k, but be its own entity. Week after week I sat glued to the series, very impressed with its storytelling and loving the actors chosen for this s tory . G eena Davis plays a mother of two teenage girls, named Angela Rance. Her husband, Henry, was the victim of an accident that left him with brain trauma. Her oldest daughter was the driver in a car accident that killed her daughter's best friend. Now the teen is distant and has remove...

Book Review: The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty

     Hello, and welcome fellow book worms! For #22 (A book your mom loved) of my 2015/2016 Reading Challenge I decided to read The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty.   In 1973 my mother delivered a one year old me to my grandmother as she and my father went to the local Palace Theater to watch a movie. That movie was the Exorcist directed by William Friedkin. It was based on my mother's favorite book at that time, and she was anxious to see how Hollywood had treated it. The buzz for this film had dubbed it "the most terrifying film ever made". There were lines around the corner to see this movie, with many people camping out all day to see what the buzz was about. Security guards tamed the crowds, while ambulances removed people from theaters who either became ill or passed out during the film. This excited my mother, a huge fan of the horror genre. She could not stop talking about it for weeks, and saw it twice.   When I was in high school ...

Halloween Book Tag 2016

 Hello, Book Worms and Book Dragons,   Halloween is my favorite holiday of t he year. I love to make popcorn balls, drink cider, and carve pumpkins. And I love reading scary books and watching horror films.    When I saw this book tag circulating through the book community I had to answer the questions. Without further ado: The Halloween Book Tag   Carving Pumpkins (what book would you carve up and light on fire?) Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James. I found this book to be rather boring and it never caught my attention. The narrative reads like fan fiction (of which it was made from) , and the characters say some pretty silly dialogue. Trick or Trea t (What character is a trick and what character is a treat?) I choose my two from teh same book- Trick : Reverend Lowery from Walk the Earth a Stranger by Rae Carson: this seemingly quiet and proper preacher definitely turned into a trick when he asked 16 year old Lee Westfall to marry him a...

Reading Slump Smashers: Book/ Audio Book Combination

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons!   I have been speaking with other read ers about how they read. For some they only read an e-book . For others a n audio book on the way to work saves them time. But then there are readers like myself that take it a few steps further. I utilize many forms of reading when taking on a book. With my Good reads and Xepherus Reads reading challenges underway, I have found some great ways to keep on reading .   AU DIOBOOK/ B OOK COMBINATION -   I have tro uble with reading from time to time. I will begin a paragraph, but then I veer off track and lose my place. This can sometimes keep me reading a page for over t en minutes. Therefore I use an audio book in conjunction with my physical book, so that I can read along with the words as the narrator presents the material. This is most helpful while reading my Kindle, which when paired up with audio book through their Whispersync feature, can high light words as the narrator...