Tuesday Talks: Author Missed Opportunities

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons!

  Tuesday Talks is an wonderful group on Goodreads that is a weekly discussion forum created by BookTubers Janie Johnson and her pal, Janelle. It is a fun and active group to be a part of.

   This week's question is: Have you read a book where you feel the author missed the opportunity to write something more interesting in a book? 

  This question always is on my mind while reading a book. But thankfully I cannot say that this has happened all that often. But recently I had read Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig. This novel had repeated bad reviews from Star Wars fans and readers alike. The book was criticized for many things, the main problem being that the book did not continue the story of Return of the Jedi with the main players of the original trilogy. The reviewers (no myself) picked apart this book not realizing its full potential.

  But the author did miss the opportunity with a few aspects of the novel. I have already reviewed this book, and will make this short. I thought that the Preludes interrupted the main story in a negative way. They continuously delivered stories that did not interest me just as the main part of the novel reached an important development. Thankfully I heard that the second novel has Preludes that tie directly into the main story.This will make me happy. Maybe the Preludes would have served better as short stories at the end of the first book instead of interrupting the main narrative. I will be reading the second book soon and will see for myself.

 Have fun reading this week. Let me know in the comments below what comics you are reading. 

 Also please follow me on my social media platforms, and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and the Book Depository.
  Because there is always time to read,

All written content and Top logo (c) Copyright 2016 by Thomas Bahr II


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