Tuesday Talks: What New Plot Lines Would You Like to See in Your Genre of Choice: Star Wars?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms,

  Welcome back to another Tuesday Talks question!
  Tuesday Talks is an awesome group over at Goodreads that welcomes the book community to engage in discussions that are designed to get the community together for talks and recommendations. The group is moderated by Janie Johnson and her book pal, Janelle. Every Tuesday we have a topic that is presented to us. We are asked to participate in the discussion and share our opinions. 

  This week's question is: What New Plot Lines Would You Like to See in Your Genre of Choice?

  My favorite genre is science fiction. I have loved Star Wars since I was a kid, And the latest stories have been making me want more. Disney-Lucasfilm has been hiring exemplary writers to further the saga and patch in details between the film episodes. Last year we were treated to several novels that took place at various points in the Star Wars saga.

  I am looking forward to a few things in this sci-fi universe:

  1.  Aftermath: Life Debt- In Aftermath we were treated to a lot of Interludes that took some original trilogy characters and told five page stories. One of these stories involved Han Solo and Chewbacca going to Kashyyyk to free the last of the Empire's Wookie slaves. I hope that this new novel involves this adventure. 
  2. Aftermath: Life Debt- Norra Wexley was an ace pilot during the Battle of Endor. Her son, Temmin, went on to mirror his mother's piloting success with the Resistance in the Force Awakens. I look forward to seeing what events occur in the Aftermath books that leads to this.
  3. Star Wars: Bloodline- Claudia Gray is once again writing Star Wars, and this time it's a Leia story that is set a few years before the Force Awakens. I hope we see more of what happened to Ben Solo, and why he turned to the Dark Side. The family dynamic of Han and Leia needs more fleshing out.
  4. Star Wars: Rebels- Several Rebels-related books have begun to pepper the market.  Lately we have been introduced to General Hux's father (I believe), so this is definitely a chance for extra stories to be told featuring younger versions of Force Awakens characters.
  5. Various Digital and Unannounced Novels- There are plenty of unannounced novels and digital shorts coming out for Star Wars. I would love to see some stories featuring Rogue One characters and Maz Kanata. 
 Because there is always time to read,

Reading Challenge: http://xepherusreads.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-reading-challenge-update.html

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All written content (c) Copyright 2016 by Thomas Bahr II





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