Tuesday Talks: What Do You Think of Comparative Blurbs on Book Covers?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms!

  Tuesday Talks is a Goodreads Group serving the book community that is moderated by YouTubers, Janie Johnson and her book pal, Janelle. Check it out!

   This week's Tuesday Talks question is: What Do You Think of Comparative Blurbs on Book Covers?

  I have no issue with blurbs being on book covers. Some of the time the writing will tell if the book was a New York Times bestseller, or if the book is well-received. I have purchased books such as Carlos Ruiz Zafon's The Shadow of the Wind, because a famous author has said it is a great book. In the case of Zafon, it was Stephen King that said he enjoyed the book. That sealed the deal for me. 

  I always get excited when a book is cited for being a stand-out. Sometimes I disagree, but ultimately it's the build up of excitement that gets me ready for a book. In the case of books that I find at thrift stores, I sometimes use the blurbs to assess audience reaction to the book. To me, it is like a time capsule of the book.

  I look forward to seeing what other members of the book community have to say.

Because there is always time to read,

Reading Challenge: http://xepherusreads.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-reading-challenge-update.html

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All written content (c) Copyright 2016 by Thomas Bahr II


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