Reading Habits: The DNF and What Causes It


Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,

      At times I am tempted to not finish a book but I want to give the author another chance. In the past I have not finished books, only to pick them up again. Here are a few reasons I will DNF a book:

  1. The book takes a long time to get going (When a book takes more than sixty pages to catch my interest, there is an issue finishing the story.)
  2. The book starts off great, but drags mid-way (I have read books that have moved at a very fast pace. Then they start to slow to a point that removes you from the narrative. This is most commonly found in young adult reads, especially if a love story is introduced.)
  3. The book features a protagonist that I do not like (This happened before, especially when the story is written from the perspectives of two different characters. If I do not like one of the main characters, then this can ruin the story for me. For example, an overly whiny character that is constantly complaining.)
  4. The book's author has a style of writing I cannot get into (Oh, this can be a doozy to deal with. In my opinion if you know that you cannot write a romance, please do not. Stick with the genre that you are best at writing.)
  5. The audiobook narrator that is monotone (This has ruined many books for me when a narrator is monotone and reads the entire book that way. A good narrator can capture voices, and convey the character's emotions well if they put some effort into it. I have heard some atrocious audio actors, and have just ended up reading the book on my own when I had the chance to physically hold the book.)

   Let me know in the comments below what you are reading. Have you DNF'd a book recently?

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 Because there is always time to read,


 All written content (c) Copyright 2023 by Thomas Bahr II

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