Book Review: Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher
Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons, I want to begin this review by saying that I am a great admirer of Carrie Fisher (and not in the merry band of stalkers way...I just want to clarify this). I have seen her struggle for many years in the media with various issues, including drug addiction and alcoholism. She has never hidden who she was, or who she had become due to her addictions. And recently with Star Wars the Force Awakens thrusting her back into the limelight, she has continued to remain as real as possible. As we all cope with the fact that this daring woman is no longer with us, we have her words (and voice on her audiobooks) to continue her message of hope, determination, and strength . I decided to learn more about Carrie and her world by reading her memoirs. The first book I was recommended was Wishful Drinking. I was told that it was a humorous and unapologetic journey through Carrie's life. ...