Book Review: Cold Cold Heart by Tami Hoag

 “Where there’s life, there’s hope!”-This is the mantra that sets off the bravery of television reporter Dana Nolan, as she lays bound in the back of a serial killer’s van.

  When we last saw Dana Nolan she had survived serial killer Doc Holiday’s malicious cruelty, and was taken away to the hospital. But what happened to Dana after she killed her capture and saved herself from being the 9th Girl? Cold Cold Heart takes us into the life of this brave woman, bringing us yet another amazing heroine to root for in Tami Hoag’s latest thrill ride! 

  Picking up minutes after 9th Girl, Cold Cold Heart brings us into the confused and tragic life of Dana Nolan. Having suffered great pain at the hands of Gerald Fitzpatrick AKA Doc Holiday, Dana must battle through brain injuries and PTSD. This road to recovery is hindered by a smothering mother, Lynda Mercer, who is adamant on keeping Hoag’s heroic detectives Nikki Liska and Sam Kovac away from Dana (as they cameo, wrapping up loose ends from 9th Girl) who wish to question her in regards to information on Holiday’s other eight victims. Dana is feisty and battles her mother’s over-protectiveness striving for independence.  After months of rehab she is whisked away back to her home town of Shelby Mills, a place with its own sordid past involving the disappearance of teen Casey Grant…Dana’s best friend some seven years prior.

  As Dana arrives she is accosted by the media who are covering her step-father, Roger Mercer's (a seemingly cold man with hidden agendas), bid for local office. Their questions, cameras, and pushiness of the reporters bring Dana back to her days as a news reporter back in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Her brain begins flashing, bringing her memory back over the course of days of the disappearance of her best friend. Dana knows that she became a reporter in part to solve Casey’s mysterious disappearance. This brings her to the decision to continue the search for the truth. But a killer is already watching her……

  We meet many amazing supporting characters that sow the seeds of doubt. But most memorable are: John Villante (a quick-tempered war veteran suffering from a brain injury and PTSD). Tim Carver (a local law enforcer with a heart of gold, and Dana’s former boyfriend), Dan Hardy (recluse, retired detective who was originally on the Casey Grant case), and John Villante, Sr. (a nasty drunk with a violent past, and John’s father). As Dana begins to acclimate herself to a life back in the sleepy town, she begins to unravel a mystery that challenges her to open parts of her memory she thought she had lost after Doc Holiday took a hammer to her head. She struggles for independence from her mother, to open her memories, and to come to terms with the disfigurements she has suffered. But as she delves into the mystery that is Casey Grant, she uncovers secrets that make her once again the prime target of a killer!

  This book zipped along fast with witty dialogue, chilling revelations, and an amazing sense of what it is like to deal with a brain injury. Tami Hoag has given us a rich tapestry of characters that I hated to leave at the end. And when the killer of Casey Grant is revealed I was definitely shocked. I was one hundred percent engrossed in this book to the point I cried out, “No!” several times. It was a wonderful read that gets five stars from me! Tami Hoag’s understanding of brain injuries is revealed in the author’s note at the end of the book. In her note she also gives many amazing websites that will aid anyone dealing with TBI and PTSD, and also programs for veterans.

 Filled with great characters, nail-biting suspense, and a heroine I loved. I highly recommend this book! Enjoy!

Because there is always time to read,

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All written content (c) Copyright 2015 by Thomas Bahr II


Brain Injury Association of America:
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center:
Fisher House Foundation:
Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund:
National Center for PTSD:
The National Center for Victims of Crime:

The Battle Buddy Foundation:
K9s for Warriors:
Paws for Veterans:

And for veterans struggling to find employment post –service:


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