More Music Released from Daisy Jones & the Six!
Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons, Now that all episodes of Daisy Jones & the Six are available on Amazon Prime, more music has been released. You can catch new songs on Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify , and other places you find music. Released: A Special Gift for Our Fans- Look at Now (with lyrics) Aurora (Saturday Night Live performance) It Was Always You (Daisy Jones) This is going to be quite the rollercoaster of an ending! Let me know in the comments how you are enjoying the series so far. Also please follow me on my social media platforms and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and Mercari. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS AT LINKTREE Because there is always time to read, Xepherus3 All written content (c) Copyright 2023 by Thomas Bahr II Press poster (c) Amazon and the publisher