Tuesday Talks: Do You Unhaul Books and If So, How Often?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,

  I am catching up on my book groups. 

 Tuesday Talks is a group on Goodreads that is a weekly book club created by BookTubers Janie Johnson and her pal, Janelle. I always love to answer the questions posted here.

  This week's question is: Tuesday Talks: Do You Unhaul Books and If So, How Often? 

 The art of unhauling books is something that I have not done in some time. As an adult I tend to accumulate books by the dozens. I love venturing into book fairs, thrift stores and book shops searching for that next, great read. Then I somehow make room for my latest acquisitions in my home. But when I do gather books that I do not want I do this a couple of ways:

  1. Donations to Goodwill, library book fairs, or hospitals: this is a great way to hand down books that no longer have interest or value to you. The recipients of these books will love them just as you had prior to donating them. Helping out a good cause makes anyone feel awesome. 
  2.  Selling books online or at trade shows: this is a great way to make supplemental income, and to assure that your books will be purchased by someone who can appreciate the volumes. I do this with collectible books, as well as recent books that I have just read. Of course I use what I make to buy more books. :)

   Unhauling. Have you tried it? How does it feel to do so? If you have a comment for me, please leave it below. I would love to know how your reading is going so far this year.

 Also please follow me on my social media platforms, and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and the Book Depository. 
  Because there is always time to read this Summer,

At Twitter: https://twitter.com/XepherusStudios

At Book Depository: http://www.bookdepository.com/?a_aid=Xepherus3

 At eBay: http://stores.ebay.com/xepherusstudios

At Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/XepherusStudios

At Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/11975160-xepherus3

All written content, and top logo (c) Copyright 2016 by Thomas Bahr II


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