Tuesday Talks: What Challenges Do You Hope to Participate In?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms!

  As many of you know I love to participate on Goodreads. Just recently I was introduced, via the YouTube channel of Janie Johnson, to a group called Tuesday Talks. It is moderated by Janie and her book pal, Janelle, and asks questions of the book community in the hopes of creating conversation and uniting the book community. And I thank Janie and Janelle for this.

Onward to the question!

What Challenges Do You Hope to Participate In?

  1. My 2015/2016 Reading Challenge: Last year I discovered the Pop Sugar Reading Challenge. I started out on August and managed to get 18 books in before December 31th. Prior to that 18th book I decided to add a few books to the list, and reorganize the list. In my list there are 55 books and an extras category that culminates into how many books I have read. It is featured on this blog, so if you wish to try it, please do. I update it every time I read a book. The link will be below.
  2. Tuesday Talks Weekly Questions: I look forward to answering these questions and to participate in this group.
  3. Goodreads Challenge: This challenge works well, since what it ties in with my other reading challenge.
That will be all that I will be doing this year as far as challenges. I cannot wait to read that 55th book and answer the Tuesday Talks New Year's question.

Because there is always time to read,

Reading Challenge: http://xepherusreads.blogspot.com/2016/01/my-reading-challenge-update.html

At Twitter at: https://twitter.com/XepherusStudios

At Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/XepherusStudios

At Goodreads at: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/11975160-xepherus3
All written content (c) Copyright 2016 by Thomas Bahr II



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