April Wrap-Up and May TBR
Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons! My reading has continued to be excellent for the year. In total for 2018 I have read 4 1 books. Thankfully I have chosen wisely and the books I have read have averaged a 3 1/2 to 5 star rating. Of course I continued with the crime thriller books, but manag ed to also read several graphic novels and comics. May sees another ambitious TBR ahead, but I have confidence that it will be an awesome reading month. And, of course, I will continue my comics and graphic novels. Here is my final list of books read in April (any reviews are highlighted): Batman: A Lonely Place of Living by James Tynion IV and Eddy Barrows Dark Day: the Casting by Scott Snyder and John Romita Dark Days: The Forge by Scott Snyder and John Romita Dark Nights Metal, Vol I by Scott Snyder and Various Dark Nights Metal, Vol II: the Resistance by Scott Snyder and Various Dark Nights Metal, Vol III: The Nightmare Bat...