Tuesday Talks: Crossover Books- Silver Blackthorn and Leah Westfall

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons!

  Tuesday Talks is an wonderful group on Goodreads that is a weekly discussion forum created by BookTubers Janie Johnson and her pal, Janelle. It is a fun and active group to be a part of.

   This week's subject is:
Stories that could be interesting crossed between two books.

  I often wonder what my favorite characters in books would be like in other stories. I would love to see a time traveling collaboration between Kerry Wilkinson's Silver Blackthorn and Rae Carson's Leah Westfall. These two characters are young women who believe in fighting for what is right. They are bold, caring, and fearless. As the Reckoning trilogy went on we saw many elements of science fiction brought to the story, including teleportation. Silver could be discovering more technology from the king, and accidentally travel back in time to the 1800s.

  Leah and Silver were both on the run, fought against tyrannical men, and they are dealing with romantic dilemmas with their childhood male friend. The journey would be a fun one, maybe a ship to the United Kingdom so that Silver can see how the past lived. Maybe have Silver meet King Victor's relative who may be related to Leah somehow. With Leah's witchy powers and Silver's tech-savvy, it would be an excellent combination!

  So what do you think Rae and Kerry? 

Have fun reading this week. Let me know in the comments below what you are reading.

   Also please follow me on my social media platforms, and enjoy shopping with me at eBay and the Book Depository. I am also looking for contributions to open my business. Please visit my GoFundMe page if you wish to help me out.
  Because there is always time to read,

All written content (c) Copyright 2016 by Thomas Bahr II


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