Re-Reading Books and Why I Do This
Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons ! Many of you have been asking me: W hy does some one re-read a book? I have a few reasons why I re-read books : Series Re-Reads - Many times I get involved in a series of books. Duologies, t rilogies and l ong- t erm s eries are my main factors. If a book was released in 201 5 and a year later its sequel comes out, I may have forgotten important details in the story line that I need to revisit. I can do this by referencing parts of the novel, or I can just set aside some time to re-read the entire book. I find that re -reading the entire novel is the best way. Seasonal and Holiday Re-Reads- I tend to re-read certain books at certain times of the year. For Halloween I re-read the Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. For Christmas I pull out my Christmas Story leather bound book by Charles Dickens. I also have re-read S.E. Hinto n's Outsiders in the Summer, which reminds me of being a teenager and rea...