
Showing posts from November, 2016

Re-Reading Books and Why I Do This

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons !   Many of you have been asking me: W hy does some one re-read a book?   I have a few reasons why I re-read books : Series Re-Reads - Many times I get involved in a series of books. Duologies, t rilogies and l ong- t erm s eries are my main factors. If a book was released in 201 5 and a year later its sequel comes out, I may have forgotten important details in the story line that I need to revisit. I can do this by referencing parts of the novel, or I can just set aside some time to re-read the entire book. I find that re -reading the entire novel is the best way.   Seasonal and Holiday Re-Reads- I tend to re-read certain books at certain times of the year. For Halloween I re-read the Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. For Christmas I pull out my Christmas Story leather bound book by Charles Dickens. I also have re-read S.E. Hinto n's Outsiders in the Summer, which reminds me of being a teenager and rea...

Book Review: The Hellbound Heart by Clive Barker

Hello, Fellow Book Wor ms and Book Drago ns,   In September of 1987 my mother and I trekked to the local movie theater to watch a new horror movie (a weekly ritual of ours) that had been getting a lot of attention: Hellraiser. This gory horror masterpiece introduced the world to Pinhead and the pleasures of the Cenobites. Based on Cliv e Barker's novel, the Hellboun d Heart, it went on to become a horror classic. I was fifteen at the time and I decided to read the book, ultimately preferring the movie over the book. Now, twenty nine years later, I have returned to Lod o vico Street and have re-opened Lemarchand's Configuration. And oh, the sights I have seen....     The H e llbound Heart is written by Clive Barker, and is published c urrently by Harper-Collins publishers. It centers around Frank Cotton, a n often lascivious man whose desire for ultimate pleasure lea ds him to a cquire Lemarchand's Configuration . A black and gold lacquered puzzle box , ...

Tuesday Talks: Crossover Books- Silver Blackthorn and Leah Westfall

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons !   Tuesday Talks is an wonderful group on Goodreads that is a weekly discussion forum created by BookTubers Janie Johnson and her pal, Janelle. It is a fun and active group to be a part of.    This week's subject is: Stories that could be interesting crossed between two books .   I often wonder what my favorite characters i n books would be like in other stories. I would love to see a time traveling collabo ration between Kerry Wilkinson's Silver Blackthorn and Rae Carson's Le ah Westfall. T hese two characters are young women who believe in fighting for what is right. They are bold, caring, and fearless. As the Reckoning trilogy went on we saw many elements of scie nce fiction brought to the story, includin g teleportation. Silver could be discovering more technology from the king, and accidentally travel back in time to the 1800s.   Leah and Silver were both on the run, fought against tyrannical ...