Book Review: The Third Victim (FBI Profiler #2) by Lisa Gardner

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons, The Third Victim is Lisa Gardner's second book in her FBI Profiler series, published in 2001 by Bantam Books. Fan-favorite Officer Rainie Conner is thrust into a horrific crime scene in the aftermath of a school shooting. With innocent lives taken, she not only has to tamp down her own emotions but also keep her rookie partner together as they process the scene. What she discovers sends her small town into chaos. Rainie knows what she sees and procedure dictates what she should do. But in her heart, she is certain not all of the facts are present. As she comes closer to the truth, she realizes she is in the cross-hairs of a killer who will not hesitate to remove her from the investigation permanently. The too-real subject of shootings has weighed heavy on us in the past few years. Lisa Gardner has handled tough subjects in the past, and I trusted her to g...