My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- Buying Books in Multiple Formats
Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons, I have been known to own the hardcover, digital, and audiobook simultaneously. This was what happened with Star Wars: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray. I did not want to carry the book to New York Comic Con. I bought the audio and ebook to minimize what I would be carrying that Comic Con weekend. Halfway through the book I bought the hardcover at Goodwill for $2. I managed to read Lost Stars using three different forms of this novel. Other times I like to look for rare or foreign editions of books. Even though my Lucky Santagelo books by Jackie Collins are mainly hardcover, I could not resist a UK edition in softcover. I found it at a book fair for $3. I loved how it was presented with it's red cover and flaired logo. This also sometimes happens with re-released editions of books. The publisher will often change book covers to fit in modern times. I remember this as a teenager...