
My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- Buying Books in Multiple Formats

    Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,           I have been known to own the hardcover, digital, and audiobook simultaneously. This was what happened with Star Wars: Lost Stars by Claudia Gray. I did not want to carry the book to New York Comic Con. I bought the audio and  ebook  to minimize what I would be carrying that Comic Con weekend. Halfway through the book I bought the hardcover at Goodwill for $2. I managed to read Lost Stars using three different forms of this novel.    Other times I like to look for rare or foreign editions of books. Even though my Lucky Santagelo books by Jackie Collins are mainly hardcover, I could not resist a UK edition in softcover. I found it at a book fair for $3. I loved how it was presented with it's red cover and flaired logo. This also sometimes happens with re-released editions of books. The publisher will often change book covers to fit in modern times. I remember this as a teenager...

My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- Intimidating Books

  Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,           Some books can be intimidating for various reasons. My intimidation was mainly a book's length. I was fortunate enough to break that fear with Joe Hill's NOS4A2 . Nowadays a long book does not scare me. However, in 2016 that was different. Here are some books that have gave me pause in the past.   The Count of Monte Christie by Alexandre Dumas - this huge book has crossed paths with my To Be Read list many times over the past couple of decades. The more I pick it up, the more I feel that a book of this size may be too much to handle. My book reading lately has been limited to five hundred pages. What's a couple hundred more, am I right? Les Miserables by Victor Hugo -  with over fourteen hundred pages, this monster of a book has been walked to the counter of Barnes and Noble many times. With their special edition binding, I always feel that I can read it. Fast forward a few editions later...

My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- Snowy Day Reading

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,          Snow day? Blizzard warnings? Home from work? Readers love cancelled plans. It means we can settle in a comfortable space with a hot drink and enjoy a book.   Here are my favorite ways to celebrate a snowstorm. Graphic Novels-  these volumes either present new stories or collect single-issue comics to form one cohesive story. I like these on snowy days for the artwork, colors, and visual narrative. Series Books-  I like to pick up a book in a series that I have already read from. They contain familiar characters that are easy to visit again. This makes the reads faster, and the snowy day forgotten. Genre Reads-  for this I usually choose Star Wars novels accompanied by their audio books. It is an immersive experience that utilizes some of the industry's best authors and voice actors. It is like hearing a movie. Magazines-  you cannot go wrong with a magazine on a snow day. Pictures, word...

My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- Fictional Items I Want to Own from Comics

  Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,          Have you read a book and thought, "That is neat. I wish I could own one."? I think this a lot, especially after reading comics or fantasy books. Here are some amazing items from comic books I would love to own.   Legion Flight Ring:  Debuting in DC Comics' Adventure Comics #329, this article of jewelry belongs to all Legion of Super-Heroes members of the future. With it one may fly in any atmosphere. Made from indestructible Valorium metal, it is also been worn by Superboy and Booster Gold. I would never be late getting places by flying.   Tantu Totem :  Debuting in DC Comics' Action Comics #521, Vixen appeared in the Dc Universe along with her magical necklace: the Tantu Totem. With it she can possess the abilities of any any animal enabling her to fly, have super strength, re-grow limbs, swim underwater, etc. It does have one small side effect in that it also can make you take on an...

My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- My Favorite Childhood Library Books

        Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,          I decided to share my reading and writing journey t en years ago this November . Reaching millions of readers a year, this labor of love has brought me great joy. I also love to see how my writing has improved over the years.     While I was growing up I loved reading books. I would get involved with read-a-thons and always had my book reports in on time. My teachers would reward readers with small trinkets like stickers or candy pieces. The library was always my haunt before and after school.    When my elementary school was set to be demolished several years ago, I knew I had to visit one last time while it was open before the fences went up and the cranes got to work with the wrecking ball.  Upon my arrival, I decided to visit the library which was so special to me one last time. I even saw books with old check-out cards still in them on a b...

My Book Blog 10 Year Anniversary- Scholastic Book Fair Memories

        Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,          I decided to share my reading and writing journey t en years ago this November . Reaching millions of readers a year, this labor of love has brought me great joy. I also love to see how my writing has improved over the years.     I loved and appreciated my Scholastic Book Fairs when I was in elementary school. They instilled a sense of excitement in my school, and visiting the Book Fair was an event for all of us.    I am happy to know that after all these years I can still get excited about the Scholastic Book Fair. But as an adult, it was the Scholastic Warehouse Sale that had me excited every year. The Scholastic Warehouse Sale in Danbury, Connecticut was my go-to sale for many years. But sadly, Scholastic left the area.   I perused thousands of square feet of books. The event was filled with eager book readers, teachers, book professionals, and, than...