Tuesday Talks: What is the Longest Series That You Have Read?

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons,

   Tuesday Talks is a group on Goodreads that is a weekly discussion forum created by BookTubers Janie Johnson and her pal, Janelle. It is a fun and active group to be a part of.

  This week's question is: What is the longest series that you have read?

   I have always felt sad when a book ends. I often wonder what happens to the characters. Did they live a good life? Did they finally find some one to love? Will they ever get out of that alternate dimension? That is why I tend to choose a series of books so long that I will always have a new book coming to satisfy my love for my favorite characters. 

The latest Stephanie Plum novel published in 2015
   A great example of this is the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich, which debuted in 1994 and has never lost steam. This series featuring Evanovich's bugling bounty hunter is currently at twenty seven books (twenty three regular and four holiday novels), and it seems to get better with every book. I love Stephanie's crazy family, with lovable and troublesome Grandma Mazar.  I look forward to the heated encounters between Stephanie and her two love interests Joe and Ranger. I laugh out loud as her friendship with former hooker, Lula, gets Stephanie in a lot of trouble. But it is all of Plum's fugitives that make this series addictive to read.

  Among her more notable skips that I just recently read about are:

  1. Buggy- a behemoth purse snatcher that gets his way...always. He steals Stephanie's car multiple times.
  2. Lahonka- a working girl with the escape skills of Houdini.
  3. Melvin Barrel - arrested on possession with intent to sell. Melvin is quick, sneaky, and very hard to find. Stephanie seems to get in even more trouble just looking for him. Rocket launcer + Stephanie's car = kaboom!
  4.  Brody Logan- stoner dude who has in his possession a stolen Hawaiian Tiki that may or may not have magical powers of persuasion.
  5.  Arthur Beasley- arrested for indecent exposure, and currently working at a nudist beach. And yes, Lula and Stephanie need to be naked to enter the beach to apprehend him.
  Always fun, this series is a sit-down-and-finish-in- a- day- read. I am always smiling ear to ear at the end of these novels. Trilogies and duologies are fun, too. But when you can read a series for twenty two years, it can be a fun ride. Give me a long-running series any day. 

  I look forward to reading everyone's answers. If you have a comment for me, please leave it below. 

    Because there is always time to read,

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