Top 5 Wednesday: Characters You Defend

Hello, Fellow Book Worms and Book Dragons!

  Top 5 Wednesday is a an awesome Goodreads Book Club moderated by YouTubers, Lainey (GingerReadsLainey) and Samantha (ThoughtsOnTomes). I enjoy how every week this group brings the book community together. Great fun!

  This week's question asks: What are your Top 5 
Characters That You Defend? For this I will dip into the many characters of comics and novels.

  1. Stephanie Plum- this often bungling bounty hunter of the popular Janet Evanovich series makes many dumb mistakes, but in all fairness the woman has been through a lot. She survived a bad marriage, car bombings, shootings, poisoning, Lula's driving, being held hostage by mad men, and is in love with two men. Though she may not have the best luck or have the ability to stay away from trouble, Stephanie's heart is in the right place. She is kind, thoughtful, and always looks out for others. She may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer when staying out of trouble. But at least she is doing her job.
  2. Ponyboy Curtis- this teenage protagonist of S.E. Hinton's classic novel , the Outsiders, made a few mistakes. But what teen does not? Ponyboy is a product of a divided society that is driven by an age-old prejudice that has been handed down from generation to generation. The Soc's and the Greasers have always hated each other, but they were born into this culture and programmed from an early age how to act to one another. Yes, Ponyboy's actions do lead to the death of one character (which is a tissue-worthy moment). Ponyboy is targeted by the Soc's, parentless, on the run from the cops, and loyal to his brother Greasers. Ponyboy is trouble, some may argue. But we are the product of our environments, and in such a harsh age, Ponyboy did his best to be a good brother and friend. 
  3.  Emmy- this protagonist from Cullen Bunn and Tyler Cook's comic book series, Harrow County, is trouble according to her town. Descended from a malevolent force from the past, Emmy, does her best to use her magical abilities to help others. But after being targeted by her village for death, she goes to extremes to find a way of not only staying alive, but to handle the immense power she holds. She is aided by a skinless boy (whose skin travels with her at all times) and protected by the countless Haints (ghosts) of the town. With several gut-wrenching reveals and an unexpected twist to her birth, Emmy has stayed strong and good this whole time. No matter what the townies may believe.
  4.  Darth Vader- the new Disney-Lucasfilm canon (books, comics, and films) has revealed many aspects of this movie villain's life. We all know the story of Anakin Skywalker. Powerful Force-wielder and Chosen One who was denied much in his life, including his love for Padme Amidala (they wed secretly and became pregnant) and his ranking within the Jedi Order. But since the prequels we have learned that he walked a slippery slope even before he became Darth Vader and slaughtered younglings. A slave on Tatooine, even as a child he was denied basic freedoms of others in the galaxy. And he was loyal to his mother, who died in his arms after being brutally tortured by Tusken Raiders. But his power was never denied by Chancellor Palpatine, who knew that Anakin could one day be turned Sith if he were manipulated enough. And manipulate him he did. Even while battling during the Clone Wars aside his own apprentice, Ahsoka Tano, Palpatine seemed to always know what to say to Anakin to set him off. After pronouncing Anakin as Lord Vader, Palpatine did one last act to send Anakin further over the edge, he said that Anakin had killed Padme and their unborn children with his rage. After this Anakin cut a bloody path through the galaxy. Haunted by the memories of family and Ahsoka's leaving the Jedi Order, he used his anger. But it was during events such as the Battle of Ryloth, Vader Down, and the invasion of Lothal that we saw a Vader that began to question Palpatine. He secretly thought of killing his Sith Master. He also became aware of the location of Ahsoka Tano, ultimately battling her. In short Darth Vader has been denied, manipulated, and has lost a lot. It is little wonder he became the demon of the Galactic War.
  5.  Ciena Ree- this Imperial Officer from Claudia Gray's hit Star Wars novel, Lost Stars, was loyal to the Emperor for decades.  As a young child on the planet Jelucan, she listened to the Imperial propaganda wagon. At a young age she was determined to leave her homeworld and become a member of the Empire. But not because she was evil, but because she genuinely believed that the Galactic Empire was helping the galaxy. Ciena trained with her first love, Thane Kyrell, at the Imperial Academy, hoping for a future for them. But after the destruction of Alderaan by the Death Star, she found that she and Thane were on opposing sides. After rescuing Darth Vader from his damaged TIE Fighter after the destruction of the Death Star, she became torn. She was in Vader's favor and quickly climbing the ranks. But her love for Thane was strong, and she felt that he was being led by the Rebellion and his emotions. Ciena went on to become Captain of her own Star Destroyer and to fight in the Battle of Jakku. But even up until her capture by the New Republic, she felt torn about her career in the Empire.
  I look forward to reading everyone's answers. If you have a comment for me, please leave it below. 

    Because there is always time to read,

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